Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why you should be a concerned citizen!

“I am a firm believer in the old cliché ‘it takes a village to raise a child,’ and since I owe so much to the village that raised me, the least I can do is pass it on and offer my services to my ‘village.’"
-Sarah Tibesar

"Community service is an important part of who I am. It’s that little part of me that academics, friends, and even family can’t fill. It is the satisfaction of knowing that I am not just taking from the community, but rather growing with it."
-Jay Beerman

"I am more patient because of community service. I appreciate what I have more because of community service. I also appreciate hard work."
-Jeanné Lewis

"Service is important to me because I feel that I must do my best to make this world beautiful, be it through small or large actions. "
-Jessica Lauren Friedman

"Service is an educational experience, it is a social experience – it’s fun."
-Jessie Long

"It is about changing attitudes about doing community service. You are not just doing something for somebody else. It is not a charity case. It is a service. And if you open yourself up to the experience, it’s helping you just as much as it is helping them."
-Phyllis Jackson, Event Services

"I believe that in order to thoroughly understand your community, you have to be involved in it."
-Sara Lense

"You should try everything at least once because it might change your life, in the most unexpected ways."
-Suan Wei Yeo


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